martes, agosto 04, 2009

Gran foto, excelente paisaje (nótese el "Good for you" del aviso de cerveza) y retrato fenomenal (1962) de Laurence Stephen Lowry, pintor de su jardín: el Manchester industrial y sus alrededores.

Un diario de hoy informa que el cineasta Richard Attenborough venderá una de sus obras (Old Houses, sería como la de arriba), "cuyo precio estimado es de entre 500 mil y 850 mil dólares" –junto con otro medio centenar– porque "no tiene espacio suficiente en su casa para colgarlos todos".

Tres frases del pintor:
Most of my land and townscape is composite. Made up; part real and part imaginary [...] bits and pieces of my home locality. I don't even know I'm putting them in. They just crop up on their own, like things do in dreams.
You don't need brains to be a painter, just feelings.
To say the truth, I was not thinking very much about the people. I did not care for them in the way a social reformer does. They are part of a private beauty that haunted me. I loved them and the houses in the same way: as part of a vision.

Feelings ivory black and prussian blue

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